Sunday, July 8, 2007

KIFF NITE – A Nite to Remember !

KUWAIT CITY: The KIFF NITE organized by Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF) was altogether a different dance Nite from all other Nites seen in Kuwait. ‘Legends of Indian Football’ and deserving ‘Players of the Year’ were honored in style at the musical evening held at Fakher Al Din Palace on Thursday 31st May 2007. It is for the first time in the history of Indian Football that a federation outside India has organized such a grand event. “The Awards Nite was marked with pomp and gaiety, and the evening replete with pulsating music, fun and frolic that kept the audience in high spirits till the very end,” wrote the Arab Times in its columns.

The evening had a soccer tone and tenor with the stage backdrop illustrating the famous Soor Grounds even as a large cut-out of KIFF logo dangled in the center of the hall. The hall was emblazoned with streaming lights that created a fertile dancing ambience while dazzling lights of various hues swirled every nook and corner of the chamber.

Deep Impact sparked off the evening playing stylistic traits of music with danceable beat, clear melodies, simple harmonies and repetitive structure that people could catch on and join in. The other ensemble, ‘Soul Shakers’ also joined in playing a medley of songs comprising pop, rock, hip-hop and reggae. Their brand of latest music was well received by the young audience who were seen clapping in harmony and rooted the band from time to time. The ranks of the audience started swelling on floor as soon as the bands changed their track from slow to peppy numbers. A plethora of awards were given away by the organizers in a variety of categories. A glowing tribute by way of a video presentation was paid to all late footballers who played under the auspices of KIFF. This kind gesture of KIFF was highly applauded by the crowd. While a Photo gallery displayed some memories of yesteryears that dated back to 1979 when Indian Football was first started in Kuwait.

Legends of Soor Ground - still going strong

The ‘Legends of Soor Grounds’ were honored in recognition for their positive contribution towards Indian football in Kuwait. Some of these icons had started their football in Kuwait almost 30 years ago and they are still playing active soccer. The Legends honored were Avelino Dias, Julio Cardoso, Mauricio D’ Costa, James Figueira, Theodorio Pinto, Bernard Fernandes, Cipriano Gonsalves, Cajetan Ferrao, Casmiro D’ Souza, Cajetan Godinho and Joseph Salema.

On their part, the Legends, thanked KIFF for according them honor and vowed their support to KIFF to help take Indian Football to greater heights. Nominations for short listed ‘Player of the Year’ awards were announced to great cheer. Two prizes, a winner and runners-up were given in each field category on the basis of voting done by the 16 clubs affiliated to KIFF. Following players won the awards: Goalkeepers:
1. Roman Anthony (GOA Maroons)2. Britto Pereira (Navelim Youth Centre)3. Antonio Fernandes (Chinchinim)

1. Ian D’Souza (GOA Maroons)2. Jesus Vincy Pereira (AVC Overseas Association)3. Teotonio (Kuwait Goan Association)

1. Agnelo Fernandes (DHL)2. Prakash Chandimal (Bombay Boys)3. Vico D' Souza (Kuwait Goan Association)

1. Cruzedio Rodrigues (Navelim)2. Kevin Vaz (AVC Overseas)3. James Goveia (Kuwait Goan Association)

Earlier, all the Ex-Presidents of KIFF, and Presidents of the participating clubs were honored at the beginning of the function. A colorful souvenir illustrating the History of Kuwait Indian Football, profile of clubs registered with KIFF and messages from sponsors and well wishers was released to mark the event.

In his message, KIFF President Mr. Viegas said, “My appreciation goes to the predecessors of KIFF who are with us, today. It is due to these stalwarts that we enjoy football and various other games conducted at Soor grounds. The efforts of individuals who left us for heavenly abode are committed to our memory too...and the goodwill of like minded people who came forward to make this event a great success will be written in golden letters.”
“KIFF is grateful to its sponsors, advertisers, well-wishers and all affiliates while not forgetting the KFF Managing and KIFF Nite Sub-committee and others who contributed to help make the KIFF Nite 2007 successful and memorable. I am sure the glamorous highlights of this event will be remembered for a long time to come.”
A Waltz Competition was one of the highlights of the show that imbued a sense of delirium among the audience who cheered the contestants for their admirable performance as the contest proved to be a cliffhanger. Casmiro and Leticia were declared winners. Victor Fernandes, Mrs. Dunstan D’ Costa and the Rebellos were the select judges for the contest.

Giant screens on either side of the stage enabled the audience to catch the proceedings live. A sumptuous buffet helped the members of audience to energize themselves as they took the floor with renewed vigor and danced until the wee hours. The show was compered by Dunstan D’Costa especially flown from Goa. Kuwait’s own Julio Cardoso assisted the compere to entertain the crowd. The sixteen clubs affiliated to Kuwait Indian Football Federation and involved in organizing the KIFF NITE with full cooperation were:
United Goans Centre, G.O.A Maroons, Navelim Youth Centre, C.R.C Chinchinim, Santos Football Club, Bombay Boys Sports Club, Curtorcares United, United Friends Club, Veterans XI, A.V.C Overseas Association, Kerala Challengers, Fahaheel Brothers, Paradiso Football Club, Don Bosco Oratory, DHL, and Kuwait Goan Association. Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) also supported the NITE.
The glorious Nite was sponsored by Metro Express – Courier & Cargo, and co-sponsored by Sports Corner.
KIFF NITE Managing Committee B.M. Viegas – PresidentSalvador Dias – Vice President Mario Fernandes – Gen. SecretaryTony Anthony - Sports SecretaryRobin Fernandes - Asst. Sports SecretaryShyam Kumar - TreasurerSydney Rodrigues - RegistrarSeby Dias - PROVosky Leitao - Executive Member
KIFF NITE Sub-Committee
Julio Cardoso
Gasper Crasto
Bosco Leitao
Cajetan Pereira
Fidelis Fernandes
Xavier Furtado

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A virgin called Galgibaga

GALJIBAGA: Tradition and Transformation
In Galjibaga, one first feels as if he has entered into a secret enclave, passed over completely by the sands of time. Arriving in an old wooden canoe propelled by an even older sun-withered man, this small village on Goa's southern-most shore seems totally isolated from the influence of modern society.
The village is nestled between the Talpona River to the North,the Galjibaga River Inlet to the south, forest and farm lands in the East, and an empty beach lined by wispy fir trees to the West. Yet the serene beach, quaint white-washed church, paddy fields, and sleepy village belie the modern activities rapidly transforming the identity of this small coastal town.Located in the far South-West corner of Canacona taluka, virtually on the border with Karnataka, Galjibaga is one of Goa's most Southern settlement. "Bag" in the Konkani language means 'garden' and the lush forests, fertile plains, and flowing rivers that surround this coastal hamlet sustain that image. Prior to the Portuguese conquest the region fell under the jurisdiction of King Sonda, who was a feudatory of the Southern Hindu Vijaynagara and earlier Kadamba dynasties. The ancient culture of Galjibaga and other village settlements in the extreme South were thus intricately linked to Northern Kanara in a variety of ways including the evolution of the Konkani language, the worship of certain deities and the observance of certain folk festivals and traditions.A small coastal village of roughly sixty houses, Galjibaga is a relatively isolated village in comparison to others in Goa. Distanced from the National Highway 74 by nearly 15 kilometers, separated on the South by the River of Galjibaga, and serviced by only one small single-lane road, discovering Galjibaga is no small task indeed. As in Agonda, the majority of people living in Galjibaga are sons of the soil belonging to the Sudir and tribal communities. There is one primary school in Galjibaga and one high school until the 10th standard, after which time students must commute to neighboring towns to continue their studies. Toddy-tapping, fishing, and farming have been since time immemorial the primary occupations of villagers, though urban office employment and overseas shipping jobs have significantly detracted from the numbers of youth choosing to enter into the occupations of their fathers.Following the transfer of the region of Canacona to the Portuguese administration in 1788, Franciscan missionaries and the Portuguese troops were stationed in the newly annexed territory for religious conversion and protection, respectively. In 1807 a chapel was built in Galjibaga on the beach front, as the sea was the center of village life. The chapel fell under the Karwar diocese, however, (the first city after the Goa-Karnataka border in Karnataka) and initially it remained locked as there were no priests in residence. By 1824, however, St.Anthony's Chapel became St.Anthony's Church and a residential quarter was attached to the main pulpit of the Church. The Largest festival in Galjibaga today is the feast of St.Anthony's on the 19th of January. The feast draws a large crowd from the neighboring villages at which time old alliances are renewed, new friendships are formed, and often marriage proposals are discussed between parents of prospective couples. Sweets and souvenir stalls gather outside the church and the people attend mass dressed in their Sunday best. Following High Mass at noon, many families who have traveled from neighboring villages have picnics on the beach while their children play along the seashore.Although, Galjibaga is situated in a remote part of Goa separated from the main part of the state by the Western Ghats, her residents are hardly touched by the modern world. In Galjibaga, more so among Cathlolic population, at least one member of every family has worked or is currently working in one of several Gulf countries like Kuwait, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia. Advertised both thru' local newspapers and returning fathers and brothers, children in Galjibaga grow up with the idea that they too will one day set of for an overseas adventure combined with gainful employment. As a consequence, St.Anthony's school has adopted an English-language medium following liberation where Portuguese had been the language of instruction.
Children thus begin learning English at a young age, a skill as valuable to them as mathematics and science. Without mastery of English, the future job prospects in the Gulf are slim, as knowledge of this language is essential. Only recently, since the 1970's, villagers from Galjibaga have continued this tradition of working abroad, bringing home fortunes relative to the profits made from traditional occupations like fishing and toddy-tapping.

Overseas influence, however, are hardly new to the villagers living in Galjibaga. Prior to liberation, Galjibaga, like most villages in the New Conquests, experienced the presence of the Portuguese. Though neither colonial administrators nor soldiers had their permanent homes here, the village was frequented by officers from the nearby outposts in Canacona, Maxem, and Poinguinim. Accounts of this occupation vary among villagers, the Catholics who enjoyed the presence of the Portuguese and the Hindus who found their rule oppressive and stifling. Fortunately today, villagers adhering to both Catholic and Hindu ways of life practice them side-by-side peacefully and with equally whole-hearted devotion. Thus from toddy-tapping to televisions, from Portuguese to English, and from wading through water to waiting tables in Kuwait, the villagers in Galjibaga have successfully mastered transition while keeping the same village atmosphere.All this seems set to change however, because in 1982 government officials arrived with plans to construct a National Highway which would pass directly through the sleepy town of Galjibaga. Similarly, just a few hundred meters in the distance, the infrastructure has already been finished for the path of the Konkan Railway, whose path cuts directly through the village. Hardly the mage of a romantic, sleepy future of Galjibaga, yet her residents at least seem to have accepted the situation in stride, and not without a bit of foresight. Yet although residents of Galjibaga welcome a prosperous future, they do so not without considerable caution. In the early 1990's a business-minded local began plans to construct a luxury hotel directly on the beachfront. However, the community under the leadership of the parish priest opposed this hotel, arguing that it was illegal to construct within 100 meters of the seashore. After a few letters to and appointments with government officials, the hotel was stopped, demonstrating that although villagers in Galjibaga are involved in modern society in a variety of ways, tradition, tranquility, and timeless All this seems set to change however, because in 1982 government officials arrived with plans to construct a National Highway which would pass directly through the sleepy town of Galjibaga.Similarly, just a few hundred meters in the distance, the infrastructure has already been finished for the path of the Konkan Railway, whose path cuts directly through the village. Hardly the image of a romantic, sleepy future of Galjibaga, yet her residents at least seem to have accepted the situation in stride, and not without a bit of foresight. Yet although residents of Galjibaga welcome a prosperous future, they do so not without considerable caution. In the early 1990's a business-minded local began plans to construct a luxury hotel directly on the beachfront. However, the community under the leadership of the parish priest opposed this hotel, arguing that it was illegal to construct within 100 meters of the seashore.After a few letters to and appointments with government officials, the hotel was stopped, demonstrating that although villagers in Galjibaga are involved in modern society in a variety of ways, tradition, tranquility, and timeless occupations also remain strong among forces in Galjibaga. By Karin Larsen - Full Bright Research StudentExcerpt from "Glimpses of Goa

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Soor Ground Legends

Legends of Soor Grounds: Julio Cardoso- by gasper crasto

Name: Julio Cardoso

Birthplace: Galgibaga, Canacona

Current Team: GOA Maroons
Playing position: Goalkeeper

G.O.A Maroons stalwart Julio Cardoso – a popular figure on the football field and one of the most prominent personalities among Goans in Kuwait is an undisputed Legend of Soor Grounds.

As recently as March 2007, Julio was awarded ‘Athlete of the Year’ by Clube Recreative de Chinchinim (CRC Chinchinim). The award in a distinguished trophy form is one of the few noteworthy awards for Indian sportsmen in Kuwait and is given away for an individual for absolute and outstanding contribution and achievements in sports.

Julio Cardoso has been a complete footballer and a 'jovial' disciplinarian. The evergreen star started 'under the bar' at a young age of 19 years with Friends Club -- way back in 1977 and thereafter went on to play for top clubs of Kuwait like Salcete United, Incredible XI, United Goans, etc, before joining the renowned club G.O.A Maroons in 1994. One of the oldest players registered with Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF), Julio has been playing active football till date. During his peak form he was considered one of the best goalkeepers in Kuwait especially during his years with Friends Club and Goa Maroons. In recent years though, the dynamic footballer is seen playing upfront. Julio has represented Kuwait in the KIFF Selection that toured Bahrain in 1987 and played against Kerala in Kuwait in 1989. He also captained a team of Kuwait Goans sponsored by Goan Welfare Society at the Overseas World Cup Tournament held in Goa in 2001.

Julio has won a total of 8 man of the match awards in KIFF organized tournaments in Kuwait.In his career spanning nearly 30 years of soccer in Kuwait, Julio recalls having received just 1 yellow card (for handling the ball).The vibrant personality was also considered one of the best Indian Referees in Kuwait while representing the KIFF Referees body.
Check earlier articles on Legends of Soor Grounds at

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Thought for the week
“Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important..” -gaspersWorld

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Julio Cardoso awarded 'Athlete of the Year'

Julio Cardoso awarded ‘Athlete of the Year’

Kuwait: G.O.A Maroons’ player Julio Cardoso – a popular player on the football field and one of the most prominent personalities among Goans in Kuwait was awarded ‘Athlete of the Year’ by Cultural Recreational Club of Chinchinim (CRC Chinchinim) at the 9-a-side finals of the 15th Edition of CRC football tournament held at Soor Grounds on 30th March 2007.

CRC Chinchinim President, Bosco Leitao presenting the award.
The distinguished award for Indian sportsmen in Kuwait is given away for a player for absolute and outstanding contribution and achievements in sports. Speaking after the prize distribution function CRC President Bosco Leitao reiterated that "the award recognizes and appreciates players who have excelled in the sports field". Julio Cardoso has been a complete footballer and a disciplinarian. He had started his football way back in 1977 as a goalkeeper with Friends Club at a young age of 19 years. Thereafter, he went on to play for top clubs of Kuwait like Salcete United, Incredible XI, and United Goans before joining the famous G.O.A Maroons in 1994 with whom he is still going strong. A registered player with Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF), Julio has also worked towards promotion of the game as an organizer with G.O.A Maroons and also assisted KIFF in officiating matches and coaching referees. During his peak form he was considered one of the best goalkeepers in Kuwait especially during his years with Friends Club and early years with GOA Maroons. In recent years though, the multitalented footballer is seen playing upfront more often than guarding the goal. Julio has represented Kuwait in KIFF Selection that toured Bahrain in 1987 and played for KIFF against visiting Kerala in Kuwait in 1989. He also captained Kuwait Goans team sponsored by Goan Welfare Society (GWS) at the Overseas World Cup Tournament held in Goa in 2001. In a career spanning nearly 30 years of soccer in Kuwait Julio has won a total of 8 "Man of the Match" awards in KIFF organized tournaments. The dynamic personality, also considered a good referee said that “this award encourages me to use my experience in promoting the sport in Kuwait to a larger extent.” Julio's advice to young footballers: “Youngster should try to develop their skills all the time. Don’t let praises expand your ego, seek advice from senior players and respect the referees. It is also important to be aware of injuries, as careers of many young footballers are cut short due to gratuitous and unattended injuries.” According to our archives, this 'Athlete of the Year' award was initiated in 1994 by Anselmo Furtado, ex-President of CRCC & KIFF.
Following is the list of CRCC's 'Athlete of the Year' award winners: 1. Alcantra Barretto (Navelim Youth Centre) – 1994-19952. Francis Machado (CRC Chinchinim) - 19963. V.K.Vohra (ex-President of KIFF) - 19974. Inacio Faleiro (ex-President of KIFF) - 19985. Tony Coutinho ( GOA Maroons) - 19996. Judas Fernandes (CRC Chinchinim) - 20007. Cajetan Godinho (Veterans XI) – 2001
8. Joseph Salema (United Goans Centre) - 20029. Sarto Baptista (United Friends Club) - 200310. Gasper Crasto (Navelim Youth Centre) - 200411. Gajendra Pillay ( GOA Maroons) - 200512. Tony Dias (ex-President KIFF & Santos FC) - 200613. Julio Cardoso ( GOA Maroons) – 2007

Fact File: Julio Cardoso
Date of birth
8th April
Place of birth
Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa
St. Anthony's Monte de Guirim – Goa
1977 ~ 1985
Friends Club – Salmiya
1986 ~ 1988
New Goans Overseas Association
1989 ~ 1990
Salcete United
Incredible XI
United Goans Centre
1994 until now (14 years)
G.O.A. Maroons.
Other Activities:
Elected Vice President - Goan Welfare Society (GWS)

Elected General Secretary - Goan Overseas Association
Events Coordinator and Master Compere.
Administration & Quality Assurance Manager
for Easa Husain Al-Yousifi & Sons Co. (Panasonic) - Kuwait