Sunday, June 24, 2012


 Champions Don Bosco Oratory with guests and supporters 
Inspired with a sublime performance by Man of the Match Loyed Mascarenhas, Don Bosco Oratory (DBO) trashed DHL FC 4-1 in a one sided season finale of the grand KIFF League Championship for the J.P. D’Mello Memorial Trophy organized by the Kuwait Indian Football Federation at the Al-Qadsia Sporting Club stadium (Hawally) last Friday.
Before the start of play
Jovas XLNC for Dance performers getting ready 
Symbolic release of doves
The final was watched by a large crowd including H.E. the Ambassador of India to Kuwait Shri Satish Mehta who was the chief guest, Indian soccer icon and guest of honor Bruno Coutinho and Nasser Omran Kanan, the Regional Admin and PR manager of Gulf Cable who was the other special invitee.  The final  of the grueling league cum knock out tournament featuring 19 teams was played under floodlights and the occasion brought out the best of the youthful Don Bosco Oratory team,  who forced the game right from kick off.  Loyed whose inclusion in the Oratory team has given them the extra boost in midfield scored the first goal when in typical fashion he cut through two defenders from the right flank and struck ferociously past the outstretched arms of DHL keeper Manoj,  1-0.
Tense moment in the game

Guests enjoying the game
Moments later Loyed could have scored again but his excellent free kick from just outside the box was well parried away by the DHL keeper.  Alexandro Gomes who had been the backbone of DBO’s surge for the title with his accurate passes and all-round performance than got his name on the score sheet when he easily tapped in from  a defense splitting pass from Loyed to make it 2-0.  A few sporadic forays in the DBO half by DHL FC forwards  Cruz and Jai John  were easily dealt with by Godfrey, Michael, Salman and strongman  Roshan in the Bosco defense. 
Presenting a memento to H.E. Ambassador of India to Kuwait
Hugh Fernandes presenting the Man of the Match award to Loyed Mascarenhas

Golden Boot winner Michael Dias receiving a gold coin from V. K. Vohra

DHL FC briefly threatened to add a twist to the game when Terrence’s long range try a few minutes into the second half,  surprised  Alido Gomes in the DBO goal who was caught off his line to make it 1-2.  DBO however were not to be denied their day of glory and cheered on by their supporters, captain Peter Fernandes dipped one over the DHL goalkeeper and hard working Roshan Dias added the fourth in the dying minutes of the game to finish 4-1. It was a strangely subdued performance by DHL FC who in spite of fielding the likes of Vico, Terence, Roland, John Furtado and Binoj could not find the form that got them to the final. 
DHL FC lost in the final
KIFF President, H.E. Ambassador of India, Nasser Omran Kanan of Gulf Cable and Bruno Coutinho at VIP enclosure

Earlier before the start of the final, the emcee Julio Cardoso introduced ‘Jovas XLNC for Dance’ a local dance troupe led by Joythi and Sunil who entertained the spectators with their soccer themed dance performance.  Fidelis Fernandes the President of Kuwait Indian Football Federation thanked the Ambassador for gracing the occasion and the sponsors Gulf Cable for their support.  He also paid glowing tributes to the guest of honor and Arjuna Awardee Bruno Continuo who was flown is especially for the final.  In his brief speech, H.E. the ambassador of India to Kuwait, Shri  Satish Mehta congratulated the Federation and said he was amazed to see that Indians could organize a football tournament of such caliber in Kuwait.  Bruno Coutinho and Nasser Omarn Kanan too spoke on the occasion and complimented both the finalists and the federation.  The VIP guests along with all 19 presidents of affiliate clubs of the federation were than introduced to the players and doves were released in a symbolic gesture to commemorate the occasion.   
Don Bosco Oratory supporters
Joyful moment when Roshan scores for Don Bosco Oratory

During the break and end of the match, Mementos were presented to the chief guest: Shri Satish Mehta, Guest of Honor: Bruno Coutinho, special invitee: Nasser Omran Kanan, Performers of Jovas XLNC for Dance, Derick Gomindes and Julio Cardoso for their contribution and support to KIFF.  Loyed Mascarenhas deservedly was declared ‘Man of the Match’ and presented with an award by Hugh Fernandes on behalf of Al-Muzaini Exchange Company,  Best goalkeeper was begged by Alido Gomes,  Best Defender Godfrey Aguiar, best midfielder Loyed Mascarenhas and best forward Roshan Dias , all of Don Bosco Oratory.  The fair play award for the season went to DHL FC and the KIFF Regular Season championship was won by Malabar United. 

Bruno Coutinho receiving a memento from KIFF president
The highest scorer of the season was shared by Michael Dias of DBO and Cruzedio of Navelim YC, and both players received trophies from KIFF and individual gold coins sponsored by V. K. Vohra.  The final was very well officiated by Derick Gomindes assisted by Jerry Mello and Pascoal Fernandes on the lines.  Victor Andrade, Romeo and Arnold Bothelo were the extra officials.

The Kuwait Indian Football Federation which came into existence in 1983 is run by nine elected committee members from the 19 affiliate members with Fidelis Fernandes as President, Clifford Pinto – V. President, Michael Fernandes – Gen. Secretary, Zico Fernandes – Treasurer, Mario Carneiro – Sports Secretary, Praveen Kumar – Registrar, Adley D’Lima – Asst. Sports Secretary, Venancio Pereira – Public Relations and William Stranauch – Reliever.  KIFF also has an in-house Referees Body to officiate all matches.

Julio Cardoso

Pictures courtesy:  Revon Gomes / Alec Pinto

Foreign Press ?

Emcee for the evening Julio Cardoso 

Sunil & Joythi receiving mementos from Mrs. Aretha Fernandes
National Anthems of Kuwait and India were played
Chief guest being introduced to the players
Referee Derrick receiving his memento
Section of the crowd
DHL Captain Terence receiving the runners up trophy
Celebration time

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Indian Soccer Icon attends League final in Kuwait
KIFF Managing Committee presents a memento to Bruno Coutinho 
Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF) laid out the red carpet for Indian soccer icon Bruno Coutinho in a classy function organized on 14th June 2012 at the Royal Terrasse Restaurant to felicitate the Arjuna Awardee and former captain of the Indian soccer team.

Introducing Bruno Coutinho to the 19 affiliate member clubs of the federation and other dignitaries, KIFF president Fidelis Fernandes welcomed Coutinho who is now the Jt. Director of coaching for the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) and spoke at length of his many achievements in soccer.  Fernandes also paid glowing tributes to Bruno and amid showers of glittering confetti, presented him with an exquisite memento on behalf of the Federation.
Bruno Coutinho and Fidelis Fernandes welcomed with bouquets of flowers
Performance by Mario Carneiro and Shahu Almeida
The evening got off to a wonderful start with a welcome song by renowned Konkani stage artiste Mario Carneiro highlighting the history of Indian soccer in Kuwait, followed by a soccer quiz competition testing the knowledge of the guests who were divided into teams.  DJ Marlon was on hand to provide the music for those who wanted to shake a leg and popular Goan musician Shahu Almeida transported everyone to the sunshine state, swinging to the Goan Masalla.  In between guests participated in a game which was won by youngsters Dwane Almeida & Leann D'Souza and  were also entertained with a dance performance by a troupe of teenagers, led by Kevin Vaz.
Dance Performance
Leann D'Souza and Dwane Almeida prize winners
Fr. Franco Pereira says the grace before meals
Accepting his award, Bruno Coutinho thanked the Federation for making him feel special and said he was amazed to see such a strong Indian Football Federation with 19 affiliates, unlike anywhere else in the gulf.   Responding to a few questions from the emcee on behalf of the audience, Bruno who studied in the famous Monte De Guirim High School in Goa felt that sports in India needed to be developed at village level and in Goa with the new Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar declaring soccer as a state sport, the future for soccer seemed bright at least in his home state.  Asked who his role model was, Bruno immediately responded “I owe everything to my father and my family” who have been my strength and support in achieving my goals.   On a question if SAG would be able to organize a mini world cup in Goa for NRI teams, the soccer icon felt that it could be done and he would look into the possibility upon his return to India. 

Host and  emcee  Julio Cardoso
Rev. Fr. Franco Pereira Sdb, spoke briefly about playing the game in the right spirit before leading the guests in a small prayer just before dinner. The splendid and memorable evening was hosted by Julio Cardoso and ended well past midnight with all the 19 affiliate member clubs being introduced to Bruno Coutinho and KIFF Vice President Clifford Pinto proposing the vote of thanks.    

Julio Cardoso

additional pics available at: 

Check out pictures from the album BRUNO FELICITATION PARTY IN KUWAIT on the Share site juliozinia.

Click this link to see the picture[s]:

All pictures are property of  Kuwait Indian Football Federation

Saturday, June 16, 2012

GoaBlog100: Canacona Girl Top Ranked in Oman: Maryam Heroina G...

GoaBlog100: Canacona Girl Top Ranked in Oman: Maryam Heroina G...: Maryam Heroina Gracias, born in Dubai in 1996,  hails from Chaudi, Canacona, Goa. She is studying in Indian School Al Ghubra -  one of the ...

Thursday, June 14, 2012



Bruno Coutinho (8th from left) arrives in Kuwait
Indian soccer icon and Arjuna Awardee Bruno Coutinho arrived in Kuwait last evening on the invitation of the Kuwait Indian Football Federation to attend the grand final of the KIFF League Championship for the J.P. D'Mello  Memorial Trophy to be played on Friday, 15th June 2012 at the Al-Qadsia Stadium (Hawally) between Don Bosco Oratory and DHL FC.

Welcome to Kuwait - with a bouquet of flowers
Coutinho who arrived by Air India on the direct flight from Goa  was received at the Kuwait Airport by the KIFF management team lead by president Fidelis Fernandes, and  V. President Clifford Pinto as well as some of  his fans.  Bruno who was arguably one of India’s best soccer players, will be felicitated this evening at a special function for KIFF affiliates and invitees and will spend the next five days in Kuwait meeting his fans and fellow Goans before leaving for India on 18th June 2012.

The chief guest for Friday’s final will be the Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, his Excellency Shri Satish C. Mehta.    Bruno Coutinho   who is also the Jt. Director of Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) is the guest of honor and Mr. Naser Omran Kanan of Gulf Cable will be the special invitee.

Julio Cardoso

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Arjuna Awardee Bruno Coutinho to attend final

Don Bosco Oratory (DBO) scripted the perfect plot to down mighty Navelim YC 1-0 in an edge of the seat thriller and go in the final as firm favorites against DHL FC who were lucky to scrape pass United Friends Club in the tie breaker after extra time had ended goalless, in the penultimate matches of the KIFF League Championship organized by The Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF) and played at MOH Grounds in Shuwaikh, last Friday.

In an emotionally charged game, man of the match Michael Dias of DBO was the main architect in his team’s victory and he was ably supported by Alido Gomes in the goal and defenders Godfrey Aguiar, Salman and the robust ‘take no prisoners’ Roshan D’Souza.  Their midfield too functioned admirably well with Alexandro and Seby supporting the defense to ensure that wave after wave of attacks launched by Navelim YC forwards Cruzedio, Arif Shaikh and Ryan Luis were squashed and DBO encouraged by their sports loving president Fr. Francisco Pereira who was on hand to witness the match and voracious supporters, reminiscent of the Soor Ground days, held on to claim a famous win against their more fancied opponents.
Don Bosco Oratory - Winners
Don Bosco Oratory had a surprise in store for Navelim when they unveiled their trump card for this match, the newly recruited Lloyd Mascarenhas who has recently arrived from India and who immediately caught the eye with his brilliant ball control, precise defense splitting passes and darting runs making life miserable for the Navelim defenders Alfredo, Joaquim and Wilson. 

Both teams had their  opportunities and the woodwork came to the rescue on a couple of occasions when Lloyd’s free kick for DBO and Navelim Ryans’s shots came off the cross bar on either side of the half.  Alexando Gomes who played his heart out in the DBO midfield too had a scorching try towards the end of the game deflect off the upright.  The lone goal was scored by DBO in the first half when Lloyd making one of his solo runs was brought down in the penalty area and referee Derrick Gomindes who kept good control of the match had no hesitation in pointing to the dreaded spot.  Michael Dias coolly slotted the penalty to make him joint leading goal scorer with Cruzeido of Navelim, with the final still to be played.

In the other semi final played earlier, Manuel  of United Friends Club missed a penalty in the dying minutes of the game that would have taken his team to the finals,  as his shot was well saved by ‘man of the match’  goalkeeper Manoj Cheluuatyour and after playing extra time without any change in the score line, the match was decided by the tie breaker.  Vico, Terence, Ishafaq and Cruz scored for DHL FC, while only Hemanth, Seby and Abdullah could find the net for United Friends Club.
DHL FC defeated United Friends Club to book place in Finals
New signings Jai John and Prince gave DHL FC the added boost in the forward line  and although United Friends Club controlled long periods of the match, DHL had equal goal scoring chances with Terence hitting the cross bar in the second half.  Hamanth, easily one of the best forwards in the league tried his best to give United Friends Club the lead, but wayward shooting and excelled keeping by Manoj ensured DHL the finals spot.  Man of the Match trophies were sponsored by Al Muzaini Exchange Co., and handed over by KIFF President Fidelis Fernandes to Manoj Cheruvathoor of DHL FC and Michael Dias of Don Bosco Oratory.
Man of the Match for DHL FC - Manoj Cheluatyour

Michael Dias of DBO receiving his Man of the Match award from KIFF President Fidelis Fernandes
The grand final between Don Bosco Oratory and DHL FC is slated for Friday, 15th June 2012 at 7:00pm.  The venue will be announced shortly and the chief guest for the event is the Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, his Excellency Shri Satish C. Metha.    Indian soccer icon and Arjuna Awardee Bruno Coutinho, the Jt. Director of Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) is the guest of honor and Mr. Naser Omran Kanan of Gulf Cable will be the special invitee.

Julio Cardoso

Note:-  The analysis of the games expressed in the above article are personal and as witnessed by me.  

Goalkeeper Manoj of DHL FC saves a penalty during the game against UFC

Large number of supporters turned up to witness the semi finals

Spactators enjoying the DBO versus Navelim Y.C match

Wonderful gesture - Michael Dias shares his Man of The Match award with   Lloyd  Mascarenhas